I want fairy tales. Indeed that’s all our lives are about. We just need to remember. Remember is not an easy path to choose. It takes time, patience and faith, that together leads us to dreams coming true.
I don’t believe in destiny, except the one you and God create together. No matter how hard God wishes what is good and enchanted for you, if you keep wanting what it’s not, that’s what you will get. It’s not a secret. It’s a puzzle. You have to reveal it, put the pieces together. To make it clear in your mind, soul and body. You have to become what you want for you, even what you want is sucess, love, money, respect, you always getting what you want. Stop wanting, try experiencing more.
Fair enough. I see and realize you want miracles, whatever the miracles may sound, smell, taste and look to you. Do the right thing ,just start doing it by now. Stop wanting miracles and begin to be one. It’s a puzzle. As I also have told you before. But the answer is simple. Creating things is a human condition for being alive. When you choose not to, you are breaking one of God’s will, which is exactly your will. Imagine, what you want for you is what God wants for you. The path you choose is the path God and you created right now.
I am the fairy tale and the diamond . I am the dream coming true, the miracle happenning at this exactly moment. Because my choice now changed from wanting, to experiencing.
Once experienced things, we know we are all we need. And that life is a miracle at this exactly moment, created by you, and God for a higher meaning and some ultimate truth.
Do not dare to want butterflies, just take care of your garden, they will come and go, but they will always come back, and that’s because you remembered Who you are, Who you really are.
Embrace every circumstance, own every fault, share every joy and contemplate every mistery. Misteries are divine intervention in your life, because you choose to experience it. Be a miracle to everyone Who enters your life and be carefull not to enter another’s life if you can’t be a gift.