Caminhe a um lugar solitário, silencioso, distante do barulho cotidiano. Olhe a sua volta, encontre-se, escute seu coração, livre sua mente de todos os pensamentos que teve ao longo do dia. Reflita e esteja pronto (a) para o encontro. Coloque e pondere todas as suas atitudes e pensamentos corriqueiros, bons e ruins, pense que neste momento Deus está ao seu lado. Não julgando, mas pedindo que coloque em seus braços seus mais difíceis problemas e suas mais longas agonias. Ele é o Pai que recebe, que acolhe, que luta por você. Caminhe junto com Ele, porque Deus está com você agora. Não que não esteja a todo o momento, mas justamente agora, no momento presente, você tem o privilegio de escutar. Oremos.
Comece agradecendo os momentos felizes que teve e confesse os seus sonhos, alguém lhe escuta; lhe pega pela mão e lhe guia nos caminhos. Este alguém sempre estará pronto para entendê-lo, mais que um psicólogo, mais que um amigo, mais que você mesmo. Este alguém terá prazer em escutar as coisas boas e sorrirá dançante as suas vitórias, chorará junto com você as coisas ruins e acolherá sua mente do gelo mundano que insiste em nos encontrar em algumas estações do ano.
Não tenha medo, não use seu eu mascarado diante dessa benção temporal. Apenas acredite, confie e siga adiante, ore constantemente porque este encontro é o único segredo que realmente importa. Aprenda a orar, aprenda a escutar a voz incessante de Deus lhe aconselha sempre seguir adiante, sem medo e com a certeza de que o caminho que Ele escolheu é o melhor que você tem a seguir. Confie e mantenha a fé, milagres acontecem em um piscar de olhos, acredite.
True prayer
Walk into a lonely place, quiet, away from everyday noise. Look around, meet yourself, listen to your heart, free your mind from all thoughts you had throughout the day. Meditate and be ready for the meeting. Place and consider all the everyday attitudes and thoughts, the good and the bad ones, think that, right now, God is by your side. Not judging, but asking you to place in His arms your toughest problems and your longest agonies. He is the Father who welcomes, accepts, which is fighting for you. Walk with Him, because God is with you now. Not that not all the time, but right now, at present, you have the privilege of listening. Let us pray.
Start by thanking the happy moments you had and confessing your dreams, Someone is listening to you; He takes your hand and guides you on your roads. That Someone is always ready to understand you, more than a psychologist, more than a friend, even more than yourself. That Someone will be happy to hear good things and will smile dancing on your victories, will cry the bad things with you, and will protect your mind from the mundane ice which insists in meeting us during some seasons.
Do not be afraid; do not use your masked face ahead this temporal blessing. Just believe, trust and go forward, pray constantly because this meeting is the only secret that really matters. Learn how to pray, learn to listen to the incessant voice of God who advises you always to go ahead without fear and with the certainty that the path He chose is the best you have to follow. Trust and keep the faith, miracles happen in a blink of an eye, trust me.
Walk into a lonely place, quiet, away from everyday noise. Look around, meet yourself, listen to your heart, free your mind from all thoughts you had throughout the day. Meditate and be ready for the meeting. Place and consider all the everyday attitudes and thoughts, the good and the bad ones, think that, right now, God is by your side. Not judging, but asking you to place in His arms your toughest problems and your longest agonies. He is the Father who welcomes, accepts, which is fighting for you. Walk with Him, because God is with you now. Not that not all the time, but right now, at present, you have the privilege of listening. Let us pray.
Start by thanking the happy moments you had and confessing your dreams, Someone is listening to you; He takes your hand and guides you on your roads. That Someone is always ready to understand you, more than a psychologist, more than a friend, even more than yourself. That Someone will be happy to hear good things and will smile dancing on your victories, will cry the bad things with you, and will protect your mind from the mundane ice which insists in meeting us during some seasons.
Do not be afraid; do not use your masked face ahead this temporal blessing. Just believe, trust and go forward, pray constantly because this meeting is the only secret that really matters. Learn how to pray, learn to listen to the incessant voice of God who advises you always to go ahead without fear and with the certainty that the path He chose is the best you have to follow. Trust and keep the faith, miracles happen in a blink of an eye, trust me.