O que você pretende nessa passagem de ano? Quais sonhos quer realizar? Que coisas tristes pretende esquecer? O que irá recomeçar? O que irá fazer novo e o que continuará igual? Pense, reflita bem. O ano começa novo quando sua atitude é outra. O que incomoda, jogue fora. Você não precisa carregar no bagageiro da vida mágoas tristezas, ressentimentos nem coisas tristes. Você já aprendeu o que tinha que aprender com momentos dolorosos, portanto OS ESQUEÇA. Esse é o momento. Pense no que está por vir. Na chance nova e oportunidade maravilhosa que Deus nos proporciona a cada 365 dias de refletir e pensar o que deve ser mudado. No que deve ser alegre e feliz. No que devemos melhorar em si mesmos porque também não somos seres perfeitos.
Não é o ano que muda e se torna novo, mas sim você, que pensa diferente, que escolhe novas metas, que define novos horizontes, que acredita que agora vai dar certo iniciar aquele regime tão esperado do ano passado, realizar a viagem programada que não aconteceu no ano velho. Você estabelece metas: parar de fumar, fazer exercícios, estar mais presente na vida dos amigos e da família, viajar, passear, faz planos de se casar, de ter filhos, de comprar o apartamento dos sonhos, de encontrar o príncipe encantado, enfim, cada um tem seu sonho. Não apenas na hora da virada, bate aquela saudade misturada com emoção por tudo o que já passamos, vivemos, pelos que já se foram, mas também chega junto com o ano, cheinho de cheirinho de esperança, um novo recomeço.
Então depois da meia noite do dia 31 de dezembro não ache que a alegria que você passou naquela hora vai perdurar por longos dias, mas tenha certeza de que aconteça o que acontecer, tudo será novo, um livro novo na sua vida se inicia, um novo capítulo, aquele que pode ser o mais feliz da sua vida, basta você manter a credibilidade em si mesmo e nas suas promessas.
Anote em um papel, faça uma lista do que é preciso mudar, e não espere amanha para começar, porque o amanha começa agora, nesse momento, anote e faça acontecer. Coloque em prática. Aí está o segredo para um ano bonito e novo, digno de ser chamado assim.
Ano novo só é novo se você muda e se transforma com ele. Não importa se a sua vida esteja perfeita nesse momento ou se precisa de uma guinada. O que realmente interessa é quão disposto e quão apaixonado por suas promessas você estará e se continuará mantendo viva em seu coração ao longo dos dias semanas e horas a esperança de um ano melhor, de um lugar melhor e de uma revolução na sua vida. Arrume a bagagem, jogue fora o que não presta, organiza-se e coloque as metas em ação. Isso fará com que você tenha um ano novo repleto de felicidade e realizações. Feliz, feliz, Feliz ano novo. Ria mais de si mesmo. Seja feliz. Começa com você.
English Version - Happy New Year
What do you want during this passage of year? What dreams do you want to come true? What sad things do you want to forget? What will start? What new things will you do and what will remain the same? Think, think well. The New Year begins when your attitude is another one. What bothers you; throw it away. You do not need to carry the baggage of life of hurts, sadness, resentment and sad things. You've learned what you had to learn from painful moments, so forget them. That is the time. Think about what is to come. Think about the new chance and wonderful opportunity that God gives us every 365 days to reflect and think about what should be changed. In what must be cheerful and happy. In what we should improve in ourselves because we're not perfect human beings.
It is not the year that changes and becomes new, but you, who think differently, choosing new targets, who define new horizons, who believe that now it is going to work that long-awaited regime scheduled for the last year; now you are going to make the trip that did not happen in the past years. You set goals: stop smoking, exercise, be more present in the lives of friends and family, traveling, sightseeing, make plans to marry, have children, buy a dream house, to find the charming prince, at last, each person has his/her dream. Not just at the time of the turn, we feel longing mixed with excitement for what we had, we lived, by those who are gone, but also comes with the new year, full of hope, a new beginning.
Then after midnight on December 31 do not think the joy you spent at that hours on that day will last for long, but make sure that whatever happens, everything will be new, a new book on our life is just beginning, a new chapter, one that can be the happiest one of your life; you should simply maintain credibility in yourself and in your promises.
Write down on a piece of paper, make a list of what you need to change, and do not expect to start tomorrow, because tomorrow starts now, right now, write down and make it happen. Put it into practice. Therein it lays the secret to a beautiful and new year, worthy to be called so.
The New Year is only new if you shift and change with it, whether your life is perfect right now or if you need a twist on it. What really matters is how willing and how passionate you are by your promises, and if you continue to keep the hope of a better year alive in your heart during the week days and hours; a better place and a revolution in your life. Arrange the luggage, throw out what is not useful, organize, and put the goals into action. This will make you have a new year full of happiness and achievement. Happy, happy, happy New Year. Laugh more of yourself. Be happy. It starts with you.
English Version - Happy New Year
What do you want during this passage of year? What dreams do you want to come true? What sad things do you want to forget? What will start? What new things will you do and what will remain the same? Think, think well. The New Year begins when your attitude is another one. What bothers you; throw it away. You do not need to carry the baggage of life of hurts, sadness, resentment and sad things. You've learned what you had to learn from painful moments, so forget them. That is the time. Think about what is to come. Think about the new chance and wonderful opportunity that God gives us every 365 days to reflect and think about what should be changed. In what must be cheerful and happy. In what we should improve in ourselves because we're not perfect human beings.
It is not the year that changes and becomes new, but you, who think differently, choosing new targets, who define new horizons, who believe that now it is going to work that long-awaited regime scheduled for the last year; now you are going to make the trip that did not happen in the past years. You set goals: stop smoking, exercise, be more present in the lives of friends and family, traveling, sightseeing, make plans to marry, have children, buy a dream house, to find the charming prince, at last, each person has his/her dream. Not just at the time of the turn, we feel longing mixed with excitement for what we had, we lived, by those who are gone, but also comes with the new year, full of hope, a new beginning.
Then after midnight on December 31 do not think the joy you spent at that hours on that day will last for long, but make sure that whatever happens, everything will be new, a new book on our life is just beginning, a new chapter, one that can be the happiest one of your life; you should simply maintain credibility in yourself and in your promises.
Write down on a piece of paper, make a list of what you need to change, and do not expect to start tomorrow, because tomorrow starts now, right now, write down and make it happen. Put it into practice. Therein it lays the secret to a beautiful and new year, worthy to be called so.
The New Year is only new if you shift and change with it, whether your life is perfect right now or if you need a twist on it. What really matters is how willing and how passionate you are by your promises, and if you continue to keep the hope of a better year alive in your heart during the week days and hours; a better place and a revolution in your life. Arrange the luggage, throw out what is not useful, organize, and put the goals into action. This will make you have a new year full of happiness and achievement. Happy, happy, happy New Year. Laugh more of yourself. Be happy. It starts with you.