Ultimamente muito se tem
discutido sobre a Saga Crepúsculo, ou os 50 Tons de Cinza. Na busca constante
por encontrar o príncipe encantado, milhões de jovens se encaminham as telas de
cinema em busca do tão inatingível amor perfeito.
Na verdade nenhum dos últimos
personagens, de lobos, vampiros, nem sado masoquistas se aperfeiçoaram tanto no
caráter encantador como o de Erik, o Fantasma da Opera, obra originária Le Fantôme de L’OPÉRA de Gaston Leroux
e adaptada depois para a peça da Broadway por
Andrew Lloyd Webber.
A trama originária é
toda baseada no romance de Erik pela novata cantora de ópera Christine Daaé:
que envolve trama, escuridão, luz, mistério e tragédia. Christine, ainda nova,
perde o pai, famoso vilonista e músico e é acolhida na Ópera de Paris pela Madame Giry, única personagem
que sabe toda a trama sobre o Fantasma e sua real natureza. Durante seus
encontros no espelho da Ópera (onde o Fantasma se escondia) Christine acredita
estar sendo guiada pelo Anjo da Música enviado pelo seu pai para lhe ensinar a
arte do canto. Em uma oportunidade de substituir a soprano Carlotta em uma de
suas crises de estrelismo, Christine é convidada a cantar para os produtores,
inclusive onde o patrocinador: Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny que aparece no
contexto, como amigo de infância de Christine e também, seu interesse amoroso. Interpretando
a música “Think of Me” diz ter sido instruída a cantar por um grande professor
a quem nunca viu a face. Encantando a todos e até mesmo apagando a autoridade
musical de Carlotta como soprano, Daaé, sabe interpretar arte na música, paixão
e inspiração, que foram aprendidas com Erik, durante seus encontros através do
Raoul reconhece Christine e se apaixona por ela, querendo então levá-la
para viver com ele, o que disperta raiva e fúria no coração inconsolável de
Erik. Então ele resolve se apresentar a ela, apenas usando uma máscara para
esconder sua face. É inevitável a atração física e principalmente mental que
Christine sente pelo Fantasma e pela arte que ele tem dentro de si, e quase
dolorasamente impossível esquecê-lo ou deixá-lo ir. O que tenta por várias
vezes, mas não consegue, mesmo sabendo que o Fantasma possui parte de seu rosto
Erik é tão encantador, profundo, enigmático e sedutor que não consegue sair
da mente de Christine. Não cabe aqui contar o final da história, porque
felizmente quem não conhece, poderia muito bem lê-la, e quem já conhece poderia
encontrar uma nova e encantadora descrição para o Fantasma.
O coração de Erik é apenas o de um moço, encantador, cheio de arte
inspiradora, e o único que sempre conseguiu encontrar o talento escondido no
mais íntimo de Daaé; ele sempre foi o responsável pela arte que aflora em suas
canções e embora tragicamente no fim da trama não consiga resistir ao fato de
nao ser amado da mesma forma que gostaria, ainda assim encontra um ímpeto de
deixá-la partir com Raoul após receber um beijo de sua amada quando estava
presa nos porões da Ópera, de onde nunca, jamais havia saido.
O que Erik precisava nas adaptações mais modernas como a de Andrew Lloyd Webber era apenas ser
amado para que pudesse acabar com toda a dor que guardava dentro de si,
precisava apenas o amor de uma donzela pura que poderia trazê-lo de volta á
vida e de volta á luz, o amor que todo homem busca nos romances. Seu exterior
apesar de obscuro, negado e rejeitado por todos, no seu mais profundo ser,
somente havia um homem, que apreciava a arte, que se encontrava desesperado por
não ter seu amor correspondido e não podia mudar o fato de ter por fora sua
aparência grotesca e repugnante. O Fantasma é e sempre será o reponsável pela
arte que viveu em Christine Daaé, alguns o querem estigmar como um grotesco,
repugnante e egoísta lunático, o que muito me entristece.
falando, o que Christine sempre viu no Fantasma foi o encontro da beleza da arte com a feiúra, a pureza da música e a dor
inconfundível de alguém que busca por liberdade. Se repararmos com olhos mais
abertos muitos de nós podemos nos identificar com Erik, e finalmente
descobrirmos que para se tornar bela, a arte, também precisa da dor, para que
transpareça além dos limites da nossa mente, porque somente através dela,
encontra-se perfeição, ou forma de demonstração artística genuína expressada
por um talento nato.
O Fantasma da ópera está lá, dentro de nossas
mentes. Sempre esteve. Ainda bem!
English Version The Phantom of the Opera is There
In fact none of the past characters: wolves, vampires, or masochists have improved both in character as charming as Erik, the Phantom of the Opera, original work by Gaston Leroux Le Fantôme de l'Opéra and then and then adapted for the Broadway play by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
The plot is all based on the original romance novel between Erik and newcomer opera singer Christine Daaé: involving, darkness, light, mystery and tragedy. Daeé when young, loses his father, a renowned violinist and musician and is upheld by the Paris Opera Madame Giry, who knows only character who knows the real story behind the Phantom and his true nature. During his meetings in the mirror of the Opera (where the Phantom hid) Christine believes is being guided by the Angel of Music sent by his father to teach him the art of singing. In an opportunity to replace the soprano Carlotta in one of his fits of stardom, Christine is invited to sing for the producers, including where the sponsor: Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny appears in context, as a childhood friend of Christine and also your interest loving. Interpreting the song "Think of Me" says he was instructed to sing by a great teacher whom she never saw the face.
Raoul recognizes Christine and falls for her, then wanting to take her to live with him, which outcomes rage and anger in the heart of inconsolable Erik. The Phantom then decides to introduce himself to Christine, just wearing a mask to hide his face. It is inevitable physical and mental attraction Christine feels for the Phantom and the art he has within himself, and almost painfully impossible to forget him or let him go. What she tries several times.
Erik's heart is just a young, charming, full of inspiring art, and one who always managed to find the talent hidden deep within Daaé, he always was responsible for the art that emerges in their songs, and although tragically at the end history he cannot stand the fact of not being loved in the same level that he would like to, Erik still finds an urge to let Christine go with Raoul after receiving a kiss from his beloved when she was arrested in the cellars of the Opera, where the Phantom never ever had left.
English Version The Phantom of the Opera is There
much has been discussed about the Twilight Saga, Fifty Shades of Gray. In the
constant quest to find Prince Charming, millions of young people are heading to
cinema screens in search of the perfect love so unattainable.
In fact none of the past characters: wolves, vampires, or masochists have improved both in character as charming as Erik, the Phantom of the Opera, original work by Gaston Leroux Le Fantôme de l'Opéra and then and then adapted for the Broadway play by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
The plot is all based on the original romance novel between Erik and newcomer opera singer Christine Daaé: involving, darkness, light, mystery and tragedy. Daeé when young, loses his father, a renowned violinist and musician and is upheld by the Paris Opera Madame Giry, who knows only character who knows the real story behind the Phantom and his true nature. During his meetings in the mirror of the Opera (where the Phantom hid) Christine believes is being guided by the Angel of Music sent by his father to teach him the art of singing. In an opportunity to replace the soprano Carlotta in one of his fits of stardom, Christine is invited to sing for the producers, including where the sponsor: Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny appears in context, as a childhood friend of Christine and also your interest loving. Interpreting the song "Think of Me" says he was instructed to sing by a great teacher whom she never saw the face.
everyone and even erasing the musical soprano authority of Carlotta, Daaé,
knows how to interpret art in music, passion and inspiration that were learned
with Erik during their meetings in the mirror.
Raoul recognizes Christine and falls for her, then wanting to take her to live with him, which outcomes rage and anger in the heart of inconsolable Erik. The Phantom then decides to introduce himself to Christine, just wearing a mask to hide his face. It is inevitable physical and mental attraction Christine feels for the Phantom and the art he has within himself, and almost painfully impossible to forget him or let him go. What she tries several times.
knowing that the Phantom has a portion of his face disfigured, Erik is so
lovely, deep, enigmatic and seductive that cannot get out of Christine´s mind.
The point here is not counting the end of the story, because fortunately those
who are not familiar to the story, might as well read it now, and those who
already know could find a new and enchanting description for the Phantom in between
my description.
Erik's heart is just a young, charming, full of inspiring art, and one who always managed to find the talent hidden deep within Daaé, he always was responsible for the art that emerges in their songs, and although tragically at the end history he cannot stand the fact of not being loved in the same level that he would like to, Erik still finds an urge to let Christine go with Raoul after receiving a kiss from his beloved when she was arrested in the cellars of the Opera, where the Phantom never ever had left.
What Erik needed in most modern adaptations like Andrew Lloyd Webber was just
being loved that could end all the pain that he kept inside, needed, just like
any girl would like to find, the love of a pure maiden who could bring him back
to life and back to light. Because its exterior though obscure, denied and
rejected by all, in his deepest being, only there was a man who appreciated the
art, which was desperate to have his unrequited love and could not change the
fact that outside appears somehow grotesque and disgusting. The Phantom is and
always will be the responsible for the art which lived inside Christine Daaé,
some want to remark that as a grotesque, disgusting and selfish lunatic, which
greatly saddens me.
Metaphorically speaking, you always see Christine in Phantom as the encounter between art and ugliness, the purity of music and the unmistakable pain of someone quest for freedom. If we look with open eyes, many of us can and will identify with Erik, and finally discover that art to become beautiful, also has to have pain, that show through beyond the limits of our mind, because only through it, there is perfection, or the real form of artistic statement expressed by a genuine talent. Phantom of the opera is there, inside our minds. Always has been. And I am so Glad!
Metaphorically speaking, you always see Christine in Phantom as the encounter between art and ugliness, the purity of music and the unmistakable pain of someone quest for freedom. If we look with open eyes, many of us can and will identify with Erik, and finally discover that art to become beautiful, also has to have pain, that show through beyond the limits of our mind, because only through it, there is perfection, or the real form of artistic statement expressed by a genuine talent. Phantom of the opera is there, inside our minds. Always has been. And I am so Glad!