Se você procurar pelo significado nos dicionários online encontrará que O pôr-do-sol ou pôr do Sol ou ocaso é o momento em que o Sol se oculta no horizonte na direção oeste que pode ser considerado como um processo inverso do nascer do sol que é quando o sol aparece no horizonte na direção leste. Este acontecimento verifica-se todos os dias em todas as regiões compreendidas entre o Círculo Polar Ártico e o Círculo Polar Antártico
Todos os dias, ou melhor, todas as tardes, Deus nos presenteia com um espetáculo de cores no céu. Mistura de azuis dos mais diferentes tons: azul celeste, cobalto, turquesa, marinho, claro e escuro. Espetáculo de rosas e nuances que se mesclam com alaranjados e avermelhados.
Imagine que cada uma dessas cores são alguns dos sonhos que no dia de hoje foram realizados e representam cada oração que foi atendida. Agradeça. Se não por você, por alguém que você conheça. Tenha certeza de que alguém que você conhece hoje recebeu uma benção.
Todos os seus sonhos estão na lista e nos planos de Deus. Quando o sol se põe, lembre-se que sempre haverá um novo dia, um novo começo. Por mais impossível que pareça realizar sonhos nunca é impossível aos olhos de Deus. Lembre-se também que mesmo respostas negativas por Ele providas, sempre serão para seu bem e em algum momento você também as enxergará como bênçãos.
Hoje, ao olhar o pôr-do-sol lembre-se disso e agradeça.
Agradecer pode ser a benção que você mais necessita hoje. Bom fim de semana!
If you search for its meaning in online dictionaries, you will find out that “the setting of the sun” or “sunset” or “dusk” is the time when the sun is hidden on the horizon in the west and that can be considered as a reverse process of the sunrise, that is when the sun appears on the horizon to the east. This event happens every day in all regions between the Arctic Circle and the Antarctic Circle.
Every day, or rather, every afternoon, God presents us with a spectacle of colors in the sky. It is a mix of many different shades of blue: azure, cobalt, turquoise, navy, light and dark. It is a show of roses and nuances that mingle with orange and red shades.
Imagine that each of these colors is some of the dreams that came true today and that they represent each prayer that was answered. Thank. If it is not for you, that it could be for someone you know. Be sure you know someone who received a blessing today.
All your dreams are on the list and on the plans of God. When the sun goes down, remember there will always be a new day, a new beginning. As impossible as it may seem to make dreams come true, it is never impossible in the eyes of God. Remember also that even negative responses provided by Him, will always be for your good and at some point you will also see them such as blessings.
Today, when you look at the setting of the sun remember this and thank.
Thank may be the blessing you need the most today. Have
If you search for its meaning in online dictionaries, you will find out that “the setting of the sun” or “sunset” or “dusk” is the time when the sun is hidden on the horizon in the west and that can be considered as a reverse process of the sunrise, that is when the sun appears on the horizon to the east. This event happens every day in all regions between the Arctic Circle and the Antarctic Circle.
Every day, or rather, every afternoon, God presents us with a spectacle of colors in the sky. It is a mix of many different shades of blue: azure, cobalt, turquoise, navy, light and dark. It is a show of roses and nuances that mingle with orange and red shades.
Imagine that each of these colors is some of the dreams that came true today and that they represent each prayer that was answered. Thank. If it is not for you, that it could be for someone you know. Be sure you know someone who received a blessing today.
All your dreams are on the list and on the plans of God. When the sun goes down, remember there will always be a new day, a new beginning. As impossible as it may seem to make dreams come true, it is never impossible in the eyes of God. Remember also that even negative responses provided by Him, will always be for your good and at some point you will also see them such as blessings.
Today, when you look at the setting of the sun remember this and thank.
Thank may be the blessing you need the most today. Have
this is absolutely beautiful and very true from the heart. the sunsets, but on another side of the planet- it rises. like little orphan Annie always sang: there's always tomorrow...