Não sei se o que a matou foram drogas, abuso de álcool, abstinência de todas essas substâncias, depressão ou um coração partido. Entre tantas possibilidades que se englobam e aglomeram gostaria de ficar com a última opção.
Um coração partido nos decai, nos amedronta e nos empurra para o medo. Agora é a vez dos pais, família e dos fãs, que ficarão com seus corações partidos e com suas vidas tristes por determinado tempo, até que a saudade chegue, com uma abstinência louca de vontade de escutar uma nova música, receber uma nova notícia no tabloide.
A morte sempre chega de surpresa. Chegou de surpresa para Amy também. Não cansei de observar que as páginas dos jornais e televisão não paravam de lamentar a notícia de sua morte. Para onde foram os que tanto a criticavam? Acho que se aquietaram, um pouco com sentimento de culpa, típico do ser humano, um pouco com gostinho de dizer, não disse, esse era o final. Final? Não sei. Acho que esse apenas é o grande começo.
Eu poderia escrever inúmeras e inquietantes polêmicas sobre a garota judia de voz estonteante que morava em Camden Town, em Londres, mas prefiro apenas o silêncio, a reflexão que somente ele trás, e antes que eu volte ao mundo sem Amy ainda preciso ir de volta ao preto. Chorar o luto de um talento e prestar minha homenagem ao ser humano Amy Winehouse, com todos os defeitos que ele carregue junto, no inúmero pacote de qualidades que apenas poucos tiveram o privilégio de conhecer.
There it goes a talent. There it goes an impressive voice. What really matters here is not to create more controversy to the great little Amy.
I'm not sure if what killed her were drugs, alcohol abuse, abstinence from all such substances, depression or a broken heart. Among so many possibilities that come out and get together, I would like to choose the last option.
A broken heart decays and frightens us, pushing us to fear. Now it's time for parents, family and fans to have their hearts broken, living their lives sadly for awhile, until the longing comes with an abstinence dying to hear a new song, get news in a tabloid.
Death always arrives by surprise. And it came as a surprise to Amy as well. I didn’t get tired of observing that the newspapers and TV did not stop mourning the news about her death. Where were those who criticized her? I think they got quiet, a little guiltily, typical of human beings, a little proud to say, “Haven’t I sad that would be the end?” The end? I do not know. I think this is just a great start.
I could write numerous controversial and worrying about the Jewish girl with a stunning voice who lived in Camden Town, London; but I’d rather keep the silence, and the consciousness that only it brings, and before I get back to the world without Amy, I still need to go back to black. I am going to cry the grief of a talent and pay tribute to the human being Amy Winehouse, with all the faults she may carry along inside the enormous package of qualities that only a few had the privilege of knowing.
I'm not sure if what killed her were drugs, alcohol abuse, abstinence from all such substances, depression or a broken heart. Among so many possibilities that come out and get together, I would like to choose the last option.
A broken heart decays and frightens us, pushing us to fear. Now it's time for parents, family and fans to have their hearts broken, living their lives sadly for awhile, until the longing comes with an abstinence dying to hear a new song, get news in a tabloid.
Death always arrives by surprise. And it came as a surprise to Amy as well. I didn’t get tired of observing that the newspapers and TV did not stop mourning the news about her death. Where were those who criticized her? I think they got quiet, a little guiltily, typical of human beings, a little proud to say, “Haven’t I sad that would be the end?” The end? I do not know. I think this is just a great start.
I could write numerous controversial and worrying about the Jewish girl with a stunning voice who lived in Camden Town, London; but I’d rather keep the silence, and the consciousness that only it brings, and before I get back to the world without Amy, I still need to go back to black. I am going to cry the grief of a talent and pay tribute to the human being Amy Winehouse, with all the faults she may carry along inside the enormous package of qualities that only a few had the privilege of knowing.
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