Carta ao aniversariante
Todos os anos, temos a tarefa de apagar as velinhas de aniversário. Convidar amigos, celebrar mais um ano de vida, mais uma etapa vencida.
Cada aniversário deveria ser celebrado como o verdadeiro ano novo. Recomeço. E não importa se o número de velinhas no bolo está pequeno ou já preenche quase toda a massa. Não importa se até este dia, os momentos foram bons ou ruins. Aniversário é coisa para se celebrar. A mágica da vida, a felicidade de estar aqui.
Agradecer a Deus por cada momento que nos proporcionou. Pelos bons que nos deram motivação para seguir em frente e pelos ruins que nos ensinaram algo que nos contribuiu no caráter.
Não há coisa mais digna e nobre do que celebrar a felicidade da vida. E é disso que se trata o aniversário. Felicidade de estar aqui por mais um ano, de poder compartilhar, contribuir com aqueles que estão ao nosso redor.
Quando seu próximo aniversário bater á sua porta neste ou no ano que vem, não se esqueça de celebrar, não tenha vergonha de comemorar como criança, não tenha vergonha de viver intensamente e unicamente cada data comemorativa, cada momento de vida.
Vale a pena. Nós nunca sabemos quando iremos partir, nós nunca imaginamos quando este ou aquele momento mágico será o último de nossas vidas. Portanto agradeça por cada minuto, por cada pequena coisa. Não deixe pendências de beijos, abraços, carinho com aqueles aos quais ama. Nem deixe pendencias de paz, perdão, reconciliação para aqueles aos quais não tem tanta estima.
Não se esqueça de viver cada aniversário, amando, respeitando os outros a seu redor e lembrando que são as pequenas coisas que fazem e sempre fizeram a diferença. Apague as velinhas agora. Tenha um lindo dia. E um lindo ano novo.
Não se esqueça de viver cada aniversário, amando, respeitando os outros a seu redor e lembrando que são as pequenas coisas que fazem e sempre fizeram a diferença. Apague as velinhas agora. Tenha um lindo dia. E um lindo ano novo.
English Version Letter to the birthday girl
Every year, we have the task to blow out the birthday candles, to invite friends to celebrate another year of life; it is one more step overcame.
Every birthday should be celebrated as the true New Year; a new beginning. And it does not matter if the number of candles on the top of the cake is small or if it already fills nearly the entire cake dough. It doesn’t matter if up to this day, the moments were good or bad. Birthday is something to be celebrated. It is the magic of life; the happiness of being here.
Thank God for every moment He provided us. For the good ones which gave us motivation to move on and for the bad ones, which taught us something that contributed to our character.
There is nothing more dignified and noble than to celebrate the happiness of life. And that’s what a birthday is supposed to be about. It is the happiness to be here for another year; happiness because we can share it, and contribute to those around us.
When your next birthday knock on your door this or next year, do not forget to celebrate it; do not be ashamed to celebrate it as a child; do not be ashamed to live intensely and in a single way every anniversary, every moment of life.
It is worthwhile. We never know when we will pass away; we can never imagine when this or that magic moment will be the last one of our lives. So thank for every minute, every little thing. Do not leave outstandings with kisses, hugs, affection for those you love. Nor leave outstandings of peace, forgiveness, reconciliation for those who you do not have such high affinity.
Do not forget to live each anniversary, loving, respecting others around you and remembering the little things they do and that always made the difference. Blow out the candles now. Have a beautiful day, and a wonderful new year.
Every year, we have the task to blow out the birthday candles, to invite friends to celebrate another year of life; it is one more step overcame.
Every birthday should be celebrated as the true New Year; a new beginning. And it does not matter if the number of candles on the top of the cake is small or if it already fills nearly the entire cake dough. It doesn’t matter if up to this day, the moments were good or bad. Birthday is something to be celebrated. It is the magic of life; the happiness of being here.
Thank God for every moment He provided us. For the good ones which gave us motivation to move on and for the bad ones, which taught us something that contributed to our character.
There is nothing more dignified and noble than to celebrate the happiness of life. And that’s what a birthday is supposed to be about. It is the happiness to be here for another year; happiness because we can share it, and contribute to those around us.
When your next birthday knock on your door this or next year, do not forget to celebrate it; do not be ashamed to celebrate it as a child; do not be ashamed to live intensely and in a single way every anniversary, every moment of life.
It is worthwhile. We never know when we will pass away; we can never imagine when this or that magic moment will be the last one of our lives. So thank for every minute, every little thing. Do not leave outstandings with kisses, hugs, affection for those you love. Nor leave outstandings of peace, forgiveness, reconciliation for those who you do not have such high affinity.
Do not forget to live each anniversary, loving, respecting others around you and remembering the little things they do and that always made the difference. Blow out the candles now. Have a beautiful day, and a wonderful new year.
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