Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A janela do trem (The train window)

Manuela olhava pela janela do trem. A paisagem era bonita, verde, viva, alegre. O caminho era curto e o tempo estava agradável. Ao olhar pelo vidro enxergava árvores das mais diversas cores e tamanhos, pássaros das mais diferentes espécies.
Manuela olhava e pensava, fechava os olhos por um instante e refletia. Estava feliz. Adormeceu em um sono profundo com a cabeça apoiada na janela do trem.
Horas depois acordou e o olhou pela mesma janela. Agora a paisagem era triste, cinza, chuvosa. O caminho tornou-se então longo e o tempo não agradava mais. Ao olhar pelo vidro enxergava folhas secas, e não conseguia mais encontrar os pássaros.
Manuela desanimou, fechou os olhos e novamente caiu em sono profundo. Não mais inclinava sua cabeça para a janela do trem. Apenas pensava que ao acordar as coisas estariam melhores.
E assim nesse vai e vem de sentimentos, pensamentos e circunstâncias, caminha a nossa vida. Orienta-se por percepções de coloridos, pretos e brancos. O caminho pode ser curto ou longo, bonito ou feio. O importante é seguir em frente, mantendo sempre a fé, olhando sempre pela janela do trem.

The train window

Manuela looked through the train window. The scenery was beautiful, green, live, and happy. The path was short and the weather was nice. When looking through the glass, she saw trees of many different colors and sizes, and many different species of birds too.

Manuela looked and thought, closed her eyes for a moment and reflected. She was happy. She fell asleep into a deep sleep; she slept with her head in the window of the train.

Some hours later, she waked up and looked through the same window. Now the landscape was bleak, gray, rainy. The path then became long and the weather was not pleased anymore. When looking through the glass, she saw dried leaves, and she could no longer find the birds.

Manuela discouraged, closed her eyes and once again, she fell into a deep sleep. But she was not inclining her head to the train window. She thought things would be better when she waked up.

And, in this coming and going of feelings, thoughts and circumstances, so goes our lives. It is guided by perceptions of color, black and white. The path can be short or long, beautiful or ugly. The important thing is to move forward, keeping the faith, always looking through the train window.

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